Countdown to Submission Deadline:
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Call for Abstracts

We warmly invite researchers, academicians, and industry professionals to submit their abstracts for presentation at the Energy, Environment and Resources Conference. The topics of submission include but are not limited to:

Energy: Energy Technology, Energy Systems, Clean and Renewable Energy, Biofuels, Biomass and Bioenergy, Advanced Energy Technologies, New Energy Technology, New Energy Applications, Renewable Energy, Integrated Energy Systems, etc.

Environment: Environmental Protection, Health and the Environment, Environmental Economics, Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental Nanotechnology, Environmental Biology, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Engineering & Management , Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Microbiology, etc.

Resources: Renewable Resources, Biotic Resources, Resource Distribution, Resource Management, Water Resources Management, Resource Economy and Management, Resources Development, Resource Exploration, Resource Exploration Engineering, Resource Science and Engineering, etc.

If you have any interest, please submit your abstract via the submission system:

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